Customer Data Platform

Break data silos and build a single customer view for every individual customer by connecting, tracking and unifying data from all online and offline sources.

  • Point of sale

  • Distributor

  • Website

  • Offline

Customer name
Date of manufacture
Order number
Activities & Interest
Serial number
Proof of purchase
Installation date
Purchase intent
Ownership amount
Skill level
Product variation
Home address
Product price
Household amount
Family annual income
Employment type
Residency start date
Second residency
Company name
Company size
Educational level
Partner occupation
Residence type
Professional installer
Customer type
Warranty upsell
Marital status
Owned products
Product feauture influence
Extended service
Insurance upsell
Model number
Purchase reason
Amazon origin
Product variant
Kathrine Kloss
Female, 32Y
New York
Marketing Consent
Toaster X

Turn your unknown customers into
high intent D2C opportunities
new sales opportunities
enriched customer profiles

Consolidate first-party customer data to gain valuable insights, enrich segmentation, and optimize targeted marketing strategies.

Identify your customers

Who are your customers and from where did they buy your product. Capture any type of customer data with Layerise.

Elyna Baillairgé

Paris, France

Registered 2 products

+33 (1)30262112

Accepts marketing

Analyse purchase intent

Make your up-sell campaigns perform. Send hot leads straight into your favourite marketing platform.


Purchase intent score

Analysing behavior...

Track sales channels

Segment and activate your customers based on their purchase channel. Funnel Amazon or retail customers into your own channels.





Leverage first-party data

Unlock the potential of your first-party data to understand your customers better and drive personalized marketing efforts. Use insights from real customer interactions to enhance engagement and boost conversion rates.Unlock your first-party data to better understand customers and drive personalized marketing efforts. Utilize insights from real interactions to enhance engagement and boost conversion rates.

  • Gather actionable insights from direct customer interactions
  • Suppress poor targets to optimize marketing spend
  • First-party data for better customer management

Unified single customer view

Create a comprehensive and unified view of each customer by integrating data from multiple touchpoints. This holistic perspective enables more informed decision-making and consistent customer experiences across all channels.Create a unified customer view by integrating data from multiple touchpoints. This holistic perspective enhances decision-making and ensures consistent customer experiences across all channels.

  • Integrate data from online and offline sources seamlessly
  • Gain a 360-degree view of customer behavior and preferences
  • First-party data for better customer management

Improve your data efficiency and real-time updates

Enhance your data management capabilities by improving efficiency and incorporating real-time updates. Ensure that your customer data is always current, accurate, and actionable, enabling more effective and timely marketing decisions.Enhance data management by improving efficiency and incorporating real-time updates. Ensure customer data is current, accurate, and actionable for more effective and timely marketing decisions.

  • Increase data accuracy with real-time updates
  • Streamline data management processes to save time
  • Make informed decisions with up-to-date customer insights

Analytics & segmentation

Utilize advanced analytics and segmentation tools to identify key customer segments and tailor your strategies accordingly. Improve marketing efficiency and effectiveness by targeting the right customer segment with the right message.Utilize advanced analytics and segmentation tools to tailor strategies for key customer segments, ensuring improved marketing efficiency and effectiveness through targeted messaging.

  • Analyze customer data to uncover valuable insights
  • Segment your audience for targeted marketing efforts
  • Create highly effective lookalike audiences

Own your customer.
Own your growth.